Ratindra Das - Watercolor
Ratindra Das is a Dolphin Fellow and a signature memberof the American Watercolor Society. He is also signature member of National Watercolor Society and six other watercolor societies and has been recognized as Distinguished Master in the Transparent Watercolor Society of America. He is recipient of numerous awards includingeight in the American Watercolor Society. He attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago and studied with many nationally known artists. He was invited to exhibit in the 1st "Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolor Biennial Exhibition" and in the exhibition of " InternationalWatermedia Masters in Nanjing, China", "Taiwan World Watercolor Competition", Republic of China. He has been appointed as Honorary Member of the Jiangsu Watercolor Research Institute. A popular workshop instructor and frequent juror of shows and competitions, he has served as a selection juror for the American Watercolor Society and many other nationalexhibitions. He has conducted workshops and seminars throughout the US, Mexico, Canada, Italy, Singapore and China .He frequently gives demonstrations to general public as well as artists' groups.
Ratindra has just published his second book, "Watercolor-with an Eye for Design" . The first book "Watercolor Beyond Obvious Reality- a workshop in a book" is still available through his website www.RatindraDas.net.He has been featured in several books and magazines and was included in a featured article "Break the Rules" in "Watercolor Magazine", by American Artist, "Workshop 101" in Watercolor Artist, andin "Best of America Watermedia Artists, Vol 2".He produced a workshop video titled"Painting a Personal Reality in Watercolor". He is represented by the Blue Dolphin House and Gallery, Ephraim, Wisconsin; Mullaly's 128 Gallery, Elk Rapids, MI; Li Fine Art Gallery in Singapore.
Signature Membership
Dolphin Fellow /American Watercolor Society
National Watercolor Society
Transparent Watercolor Society of America (Master Status)
Northwest Watercolor Society
Mississippi Watercolor Society
Watercolor West. Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Society
North East Watercolor Society
Honorary Member-Jiangsu Province Watercolor Research Institute, China
Montana Watercolor SocietyAwards (National and Regional)
American Watercolor Society
Adirondack National
Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
San Diego Watercolor Society International
National Watercolor Society, Watercolor USA
Watercolor West, Midwest Watercolor Society Award
Arizona Watercolor Association, Pittsburgh Watercolor Society
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, North East Watercolor Society
National Watercolor Oklahoma Award
Northwest Watercolor Society Award
Texas Watercolor Society, Montana Watercolor SocietyCollections
Elmhurst Art Museum
Miller Art Museum
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Benchmarc Display
Good Shepherd Hospital
DuPage County Courthouse
Kane County Courthouse
Amoco Corporation,Interlake
Sunbeam, First American Savings
Argonne National Laboratory
and Many other Private collections.Gallery Affiliation
Blue Dolphin House and Gallery, Ephraim, Wisconsin
Diane Pearl Gallery, Ajijic, Mexico
Mullaly's Studio & Gallery, Elk Rapids, MI
Li Fine Art Gallery, SingaporePublications
Published recently "Watercolor Beyond Obvious Reality"
Included in:
Strengthen Your Paintings with Dynamic Composition by Frank Webb
Splash 3 edited by Rachel Wolf
Best of Watercolor edited by Betty Lou Schlem and Tom Nicholas
Watercolor Abstract, Watercolor Places, published by Rockport Publishers
Best of Watercolor, Painting Color
Best of Watercolor 2
Best of Watercolor 3
Watercolor Expressions
The Artistic Touch
Best of America Watermedia ArtistsFeatured in:
Listed in Who's Who in American Art
“The Artist’s Magazine”, 2001/ 2003
Watercolor Magic Oct 2005
Included in “International Artist” magazine showcase, Oct/Nov, 2001