Lenox Wallace - Watercolor
Watercolor painting became my artistic choice over time.
Because I taught Art in the public schools for over 30 years, I had ‘my hands in almost every medium. It was the challenging aspects, complexity and yet direct simplicity of Watercolor that intrigued me. When painted well, watercolors can appear simply-made, as though they only took an afternoon to create... and yet because there are few “take-backs” they take years of experience to master. Handling this medium in a traditional way, leaving white areas of the subject, the white of the paper, adds to the challenge and then also the delight in achieving a final work.
In order to make the white ‘highlights’ remarkable, I found early on, that I enjoyed adding rich darks to magnify them. You’ll notice some of my work is created on canvas. I added canvas surfaces to the traditional paper option because I wanted to paint larger. But beside changing size, I found that canvas can exaggerate some pigment and textural effects, so I continue to use both surfaces.
Recently, new transparent (silica based) watercolor pigments have been marketed adding another option/ challenge to this medium. Many of the traditional gum arabic pigments create delicious sedimentary effects that are still very irresistible. So now, juggling two color palettes is my norm.
This is a medium that will never let me rest. It is always challenging, and I know will always present more questions, more options, more delights.
Over the past 30 years,
Lenox has been running adult watercolor classes
Offered workshops at the Peninsula Art School in Door Cty, WI, and
various Art Leagues and
Presented Demos, Critiques and Exhibition Jurying
Her work is represented in:
Watercolor Tips and Tricks (Robin Berry, Reader’s Digest)
Compendium of Watercolor Techniques (Search Press)
Watercolours in a Weekend (David & Charles)
Splash 3, Splash 5 (Northlight)
The Blue Dolphin Gallery, Ephraim, WI and Mullaly’s 128 Gallery, Elk Rapids, MI have exhibited her work for many years.
Retired Art Teacher with a BA & MA - Art Education
Watercolor studies with Irv Shapiro - American Academy of Art
TWSA Master Status Signature in’11 (10 acceptances into TWSA annual Exhibits)
Past President and current Board Member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America.